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Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

The discovery of the New Sun

The discovery of the New Sun. Latest news, NASA for the first time astronomers find planets similar to our Sun. Really there are 2 sun in our solar system? Indeed the star shining yellowish but not as bright as the sun and not large like the sun but just a small red dwarf star. Was much fainter dwarfs and cooler. Astronomy clarify about the discovery of new planets that are similar to the sun. They explained that the name of the new planet is the planet Gliese 581. The presence of Gliese 581 is accompanied by the discovery of planets orbiting Gliese 581. Planet-called exoplanets have in common is almost similar to Earth in size only has a 2-fold greater than the earth. Exoplanet it has a temperature suitable for living things ranging from 00-40 degrees and water on the planet was still a liquid does not freeze and some areas are still shaped rock is suppose to be the planet's human habitable planets. This discovery will continue to be developed by the researchers. If it could be a decent human habitation, the planet will be a place of space.

The discovery has recently been discovered which was mentioned as the sun. The discovery is seen directly by Herschel's telescopes European Space Agency (ESA), the newly launched on 14 May 2010 yesterday. Telescope is able to catch waves that can not be seen by other telescopes. This giant star candidate allegedly has more heat than the sun. Currently it's still a star-shaped embryos and is expected to grow continue to be a giant star that ever existed in the Milky Way in the coming millennia. The growth of this star as a science to research on the occurrence of stars with a telescope Herschel.
"This is a big star that created heavy elements like iron and these elements will be in interstellar space. And because of massive stars end their lives with a supernova explosion, they also inject enormous energy into the galaxy, "said Herschel telescope scientist.

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Spreading virtue Assalamualaikum

As the teachings of Islam Rabbani was complete and perfect. Islam manage all affairs of human life from the most minor cases until the case is greatest. Of the affairs of the individual to social affairs.

One of the Islamic guidance is to greet each case between a Muslim faith with others. Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam pointed out that if a Muslim met with other Muslims, then he shall pronounce a typical Islamic greeting of "As-salamu' Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh", "Salam" means peace for you and may the grace and blessing of Allah be with you. Subhanallah ...! So beautiful-greetings scolds who taught the religion of Allah to His servants who believe.
Even on one occasion the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam described the action as a form of greeting Islam better. Spreading salam synchronized with giving food to people in distress.

Truly a man asked the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam: "Which Islam is better?" Apostle shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam said: "Be thou give food and saying hello to people you know and who do not." (HR Bukhary)

In another hadits the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam saying hello to explain the correlation between the mutual love between a Muslim by another Muslim. Then the correlation between love each other with the faith. Then finally the correlation between faith with permission from God to enter heaven, the land of eternity filled with joy eternal.

Said Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu says Rasulullah shollallahu' alaih wa sallam: "You will not go to heaven so you believe. You will not believe completely that you guys love each other. Will you show me a case when you do will love each other? Get used to saying hello of you (if met). " (Muslim)

In other words the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam wanted to clarify that collection of Muslims who do not like each other then spread the greeting will not love each other. When the atmosphere of mutual love does not exist, then faith doubt its existence. And if you doubt his faith, then it is likely to go to heaven-even a little.

Brother, let us compete to get into heaven by the road constantly greeting each other to spread among the Muslims. Really simple, but some of us are reluctant to do so. And because it evokes a dream of every Muslim: Log in heaven ...! Is this not the only form of competition that justified God for grabs among Muslims?
"And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and for Paradise as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who fear Allah," (Surah Ali Imran verse 133).

Source : www.harianbangsa.com

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Tips to Avoid Scam Moving in Our Email

With the increase of Internet users in Indonesia, phishes seem to be more active 'work'. Here are some tips to avoid Scam circulating in our email.

For information, electronic news Scam is fraudulent, so the sender will receive benefits and certain benefits. Sample scam that we often encounter is a chain letter and the announcement of the lottery.

Based on information received detikINET Symantec on Friday (28/01/2011), here are things you should do and not do when we accept foreign email.

What should be done:
- Unsubscribe from legitimate mailing lists if you do not want to receive messages again from the mailing list. When signing up to receive email, check out additional items whatever you want at the same time. Do not select the items you do not want.
- Be selective in terms of sites where you register your email address.
- Avoid displaying your email address on the Internet. Consider alternative options-for example, use a separate address when registering at a particular mailing list, have multiple email addresses for different purposes, or look for a disposable email service.
- By using the instructions provided by the administrator, report spam if you have the option to do so.
- Delete all spam
- Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or IM messages, because it could be connected to a fake site. We suggest typing a website address directly in the browser rather than believe in a link in the message.
- Ensure that the operating system is always updated with the latest updates, and use a comprehensive package of security software. To obtain complete information about Symantec's protection offerings please visit http://www.symantec.com
- Consider anti-spam solution that has a good reputation for handling screening throughout your organization, such as Symantec Bright mail messaging security solutions family.
- To stay updated about new spam trends by visiting the site information from Symantec's spam situation.

Which should not do:
- Opening an email attachment from an unknown. This attachment can infect your computer.
- Reply to spam. Usually forged email address, and reply to email spams will result in another.
- Fill out the form in a message requesting personal or financial information or passwords (password.). The leading company is unlikely to ask for your personal information via email. If not hesitate to contact the company concerned through a trusted independent mechanism, such as by verifying the phone number or internet address is known that you type into a new browser window (do not click on or cut and paste the link in the message).
- Buying products or services from spam messages.
- Open the message spam.
- Forward any virus warnings you receive via email. It may be that this is a hoax (hoax).

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

HOW life originated?

Evidence of Early Life

Earth and the solar system itself estimated 4.6 billion years old. Meanwhile, the earliest time of formation of life on earth is estimated to appear about 4 billion years ago. This caused a lot of asteroids and comets with the earth from the heavily bombarded during the formation of up to 4 billion years ago. Scientists know about the earth that broken because they see no conflict of locations on the moon that are not covered by erosion, as well as on earth. Given the size of the valley in a collision in that month, then certainly that asteroids and comets that strike in the initial formation of the earth is very big. Once the size, until the energy released when colliding with the earth's surface causes the increase in ocean temperature until it boils and evaporates. This is the condition which causes the planet uninhabitable because somehow water is essential for life.
Scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, reported in November, 1996 in the journal Nature that the carbon composition of ancient rocks from an island in the vicinity of Greenland indicate that the process of life began about 3.8 billion years ago. Ancient rock near Greenland is believed to no older than the rock formations of Greenland, known as the Isua Formation, consisting of the oldest sedimentary rocks are decomposed by water. Radioactive dating indicates isua 3.8 billion years old. (Radioactive dating using the rate of disintegration of the radioactive element properties to estimate the age of the sample)
Indirect evidence for life found on this rock is a clear distinction between light isotope ratios with a heavier isotope. Isotopes are atoms that have a common set of number of protons but differ in the number of neutrons, giving each a different isotope of atomic weight. (Sum of protons and neutrons). Rocks studied by a team from Scripps contain more carbon-12 are estimated to come from non-biological processes. Living organisms tend to be less like elements of the lighter isotope than the heavier. Therefore, organisms use carbon - 12 more often than carbon - 13 (which contains one extra neutron), and oxygen - 16 compared to oxygen -18. (Which contains two additional neutrons)
The first direct evidence of life on earth that is the discovery of the oldest fossils, dating from 3.55 billion years ago. This fossil consists of microscopic sections, the degraded cell wall cylindrical or elliptical-shaped fused. The line outside the cell wall is preserved in rocks in the form of a thin sheet of carbon-rich.
Thus, fossil evidence indicates that life began about 3.8 billion to 3.55 billion years ago. Geological evidence to prove that the earliest forms of life must have evolved first in the absence of oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Few traces of free oxygen in the atmosphere 4 billion years ago. Evidence of the lack of oxygen is in sedimentary rock, such as sand, clay, and chert are buried deep in the ocean in the early formation of continents, which are now in the territory of Australia, South Africa, Northern Canada, and Greenland.
Some of these ancient rocks found in large quantities in the form of iron compounds than in marine sediments. The water current that keeps sediment rich in dissolved oxygen, and iron when exposed to oxygen would quickly rust, in a process called oxidation. Rust is not soluble in water. In fact, iron is not oxidized soluble and move into the ocean following the river flow. Very few traces of oxygen can cause the iron to separate from the water (precipitation) and fell to the bottom of the ocean, without changes to rust. Iron in large numbers found in ancient sedimentary rocks to convince us that very little oxygen in the initial formation of the earth, whether it is in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean.

Primitive Bacteria: Living Fossils?

Most primitive organisms, which exist today are bacteria that live in the area and the blast of hot water on the ocean floor where hot water flows originating from volcanic activity. Relatively recently, scientists believe the significant role of this organism in the evolutionary process.
The discovery of these primitive organisms makes possible the development of new techniques of biotechnology in recent decades to allow scientists to determine the order sheets of the genetic code of organisms. Scientists then can estimate the amount of change in this code. Based on the assumption that organisms carry more genetic code in its body that handed down by ancestors-ancestors. It is possible to put together to suggest a link with the evolutionary process called "tree of life".
The results of genetic comparisons showed that living organisms, including in 3 basic groups, called domains. Domain of a living being that is, consists of:
v eukaryotes: organisms whose cells contain the genetic code; animals, plants, fungi, algae and protozoa.
v Bacteria: single-celled organisms that do not have a cell membrane.
v Archaea: a single-celled organisms, microscopic. Biochemical differences with the bacteria.
Bacteria or the most primitive archaea have two unique characteristics. They Autothrops, meaning able to make its own food, synthesize complex molecules using chemical energy they captured from the outside environment. This is very surprising, because at that time many scientists believed that the first living organism is heterothrops (organisms that absorb the complex molecule as a food rather than mensintesisnya). Animals are heterothrops, while green plants, cyanobacteria, such as bacteria and arcahea primitive, is autothrops.
Primitive Autothrop quite different from green plants and cyanobacteria in how they synthesize complex molecules. Green plants and cyanobacteria absorb energy from sunlight, CO2, H2O, and O2 to synthesize complex molecules. Meanwhile, organisms such as Archaea that live near hot springs absorb the energy of chemical substances such as Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) that came out of the volcanic vein to make complex molecules (compounds containing carbon).
The fact that the most primitive organisms that live today in very hot environments, concluded that life, or at least the embryo's life may have originated from there.
4 billion years ago, surely there are many veins in the volcanic ocean floor than today. Scientists believe that the early formation of the earth there are many piles of radioactive atoms. Some of the radioactive atoms are fused into non radioactive substance on earth, removing the heat when it exploded.

Explanation and Statement of Life

To learn more about life originated, then we would need a definition of "life" itself. Many scientists agree that a living thing must have 2 things;
metabolism and reproduction. The first, was living organism metabolism, which absorbs energy from the environment, save energy in the form of complex organic molecules such as carbohydrates and then turn it into energy. Energy from the outside can be shaped light or chemical energy, as in the case of green plants and archaea, or, heterothrops like humans and animals, in the form of food.
Various chemicals formed and changed in the metabolic processes of living things. This earthly life are derived from chemical reactions that include carbon molecule, called an organic chemical reaction. Chemical bonds between carbon with oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen or other organic molecules is weak when compared with other chemical bonds. Weak chemical bonds which means that organisms can easily arrange the structure of complex molecules, or even break it down when needed. Heat, light photons, radioactive energy is a substance that can easily change the structure of carbon.
The second definition of life is reproduction. All life on earth involves 2 molecules - deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) - as the draft-Basic reproduction. DNA and RNA is the most complex molecules from the organism. Without his presence, the organism will not be able to make a replica of itself. Both have the form of a very long, spiral staircase and has 6 basic components that are repeated throughout the molecule; Sugar, Phosphate, and 4 nucleotida basis. Nucleotide that forms the basis of this pair of ladder rungs of the DNA spiral. This series of nucleotide base that carries the genetic code of organisms.
When a reproduced cell, its DNA into the cells replicate themselves, and lead to splitting of cells, with each of 2 cell receives one set of DNA. Series of DNA determines which proteins are made in the cell, and in what form they are made. RNA, like DNA molecules, translating instructions contained in the DNA and pass instructions to the appropriate place within the cell to build protein.
Proteins - organic molecules that can be very long and complex - is one important component of the organism. Such as DNA and RNA, proteins consists of several important components that are repeated in a long chain. The basic components are known by the name of Amino Acids. More than 20 amino acids that form the basis of proteins in an organism. There are proteins called enzymes - proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body of organisms.
When the DNA and RNA to make a replica of himself, the replicas are not always perfect. Sometimes a mutation - a change in the genetic code. This mutation is important in the evolution of life because sometimes these changes which refers to a characteristic of organism survival or reproductive condition more quickly. In this process, called natural selection, organisms that have characteristics that match will escape and reproduce quickly to establish its existence.
The essential thing is more to life Tues All living organisms are made of a set of cells. Unless the virus. A collection of cells, "factory-organic" that build molecules that are more complex than the more simple, coated by a membrane / membrane wall made of organic molecules. Cell membrane is what allows the transport of molecules into and out of cells.

Origin of Life Theories

Even within any one-celled organisms, the molecule - complex molecule take part in various chemical processes that define life. The development of the most primitive organisms that alone requires many steps. First, organic chemical "base-building" life, such as amino acids, would have been available from one source. Second, the "base-building" are somehow became longer and longer, more complex, and at one point, the DNA will be formed. This complex organic molecules somehow be inside the cell. In recent decades, scientists have learned a big gamble on the above steps and developing into a new theory about where, how, and in what form life first will develop.
Basic theory of the first modern study of the questions were developed by Russian chemist, AI Oparin, and Genetic Expert UK, J.B.S. Haldane, in the 1920's. Openly, they contend that the organic material basis of life-development can also be formed from more simple molecules of the primitive Earth's atmosphere - the atmosphere without oxygen molecule - when energized by lightning or other similar energy,
Referring to the hypothesis of Oparin and Haldane, complex organic molecules formed in the atmosphere, will go down in the form of rain into the ocean primitive, form the "organic soup". Two scientists reasoned that when the molecules come together into the soup, natural selection would work in the form of a set of molecules that eat other molecules to chemical energy, growth, and reproduction. Then, Oparin and Haldane concluded that life originated from a simple heterothrop - the cells that feed on other organic material. Only when it became vacant organic soup of organic molecules, then the primitive forms of life will collapse by mutation into autothrop and began to absorb physical energy, not chemical energy, to make organic molecules.
The first part of Oparin and Haldane's ideas were tested by chemist Stanley Miller beginning in the 1950s. Then, by a graduate who is under the direction of Nobel laureate Harold Urrey physics, University of Chicago in Illinois. Using Jupiter's atmosphere which is then believed to be a primitive planetarium atmospheric model, miller put a mixture of methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), water vapor (H2O) and hydrogen (H2) into a series of bottles connected by enclosed glass tube. He made the series such a way so that he can send a flash of electricity through one of the bottles, simulating lightning in a primitive atmosphere.
The result is surprising; flow of electricity that is released causing the gas to react to form a set of organic molecules is quite complex and began to fall like rain in the artificial atmosphere. Among these molecules are molecules-amino acids, basic life-building of proteins and so is all life. The initial part of Oparin and Haldane's hypothesis - that the foundation-building that made life in the early atmosphere is due to the presence of lightning or other similar energy sources - seems closer to the truth.
Miller and other scientists continue their experiment to determine where, and how the basic form of life-development. These scientists showed that the organic material can be made from many kinds of energy, ultraviolet light (as the sun), heat (as volcanoes), and even shock (as meteorite collisions.) Their experiment has been producing about 20 amino acids, the synthesis of life that exist today such as sugar and phosphate backbone of DNA and RNA.
Even so, there are parts of Oparin and Haldane's hypothesis that is in question for years. For example, the most primitive organisms known that they are not heterothrop autothrops - that is, they do not eat other molecules for energy, as predicted Oparin and Haldane.
On the other hand, scientists now believe that the initial composition of the atmosphere quite different from the mixture used in Miller's experiment. Miller gas mixtures and other spray gas into the bottle is the reduced height (a state of chemical that is the opposite of oxidation). Geology and theoretical studies in recent decades has reached the conclusion that the earth is rapidly losing the primitive's it: the atmosphere of the reduced height.
At the end of meteorite bombardment around 4 billion years ago, most of the earth's atmosphere may contain N2, CO2, water vapor (H2O), and a number of carbon monoxide (CO) - with a mixture of different elements that are used Miller-Urey. Miller-Urrey experiment with the gas mixture does not explain the abundant quantity of basic life-building.

Organic Matter from Space

These years, most scientists agree on a consensus that the basic life-building came from outer space. Spacecraft with a mission to see Halley's comet discovered an abundance of organic matter in space. In fact, Halley's comet body (other than a glowing tail and corona), is a darkest object ever observed in the solar system: covered with organic mass. As well as the moon from the planet Jupiter and Saturn. Therefore, it seems even the synthesis of organic molecules studied by the Miller-Urey experiment could not have happened at the beginning of the earth, it could happen elsewhere in our solar system, including comets.
Experiments and calculations updated, including those conducted by astronomer Carl Sagan of the University Ithaca, New York, demonstrates that a fairly complex organic molecules such as amino acids, can survive in the event of collision comet to Earth. Then, the meteorite that fell during the end of meteorite bombardment believed to have imported the basic ingredients of life-development.

Establishment of an information-carrying molecule

The results of the above conclusion still can not explain the question of how DNA and RNA can occur. How can the information-carrying molecule that is so complex as it can come from processes that are not "live"? The biggest questions about life began: how DNA, or its predecessor molecule, can control and factory-organic produce is called a cell.
Scientists focus his hypothesis by assuming that RNA came first rather than DNA. DNA is not much to do nothing except save the information. In a cell living organisms, other molecules such as enzymes made of DNA reveal the information they carry. That information was then translated by the RNA molecule and then do what has been instructed DNA somewhere within the cell.
RNA not only impart information but also stimulate or to catalyzing chemical reactions that produce proteins. In all life today, RNA can not stimulate the chemical reaction alone, he was assisted by an enzyme known as Coenzim. Coenzim this is what has helped enzymes share the information during the reproduction of cells in a continuous chain from time to time.
One scenario that emerged recently - based on the idea of primitiveness "RNA World" - that life originated from a molecule that is always selfish to develop themselves. Molecules are always concerned himself first could have a simple form that only RNA nucleotide consists of short-chain hypothesis concerning the initial RNA molecule capable of catalyzing chemical reactions, taking the base-construction life of the surrounding water, and use it to reproduce itself. When sudden changes - mutations - in one molecular structure, primitive RNA will do something to address this change by accelerating RNA reproduction, as compensation for increasing the number of molecules that are mutated.
The scenario is not unreasonable. Now, viruses and bacteria repeatedly mutate and evolve more quickly become more resistant and immune. The average bacterium is able to reproduce itself every 20 minutes an appropriate environment, and the initial RNA is much more simple when compared with live bacteria is the most simple ones. Time to reproduce was estimated that only in units of seconds.
The concept of the selfish molecules gives important meaning in the reproduction and evolution. Oparin ideas, Miller, and Urey about metabolism - come together and provide an explanation of how a molecule that can get energy from other molecules.
Finally, if an RNA and enzymes that help her begin to synthesize molecules that form the cell wall to protect himself from the outside world diversity, RNA and then will increase this number even more. So then something called a life will emerge.
The life that started from the area around the heat flow in the water will make the perspective of the evolution process becomes more reasonable. Organic chemical reactions go faster in a hotter environment, then the errors in the genetic reproduction will often occur. Then, in an interval of time, more mutations that occur will make more complex molecules aggregate as compared with the lebh cold water. These mutations accelerate the process of evolution.
Where DNA plays now? DNA is the molecule that are stronger than RNA. DNA is unlikely to be destroyed by heat, ultraviolet light, or an error in a chemical reaction. Then, when the "RNA world" will become increasingly complex mutation, in a period of DNA would be useful to store important information about the discovery of molecules. DNA had been instrumental in maintaining the function of the molecular information stored for the better, so the mutation will run slower.

Life from outer space?

Another idea that emerged is that life originated not from earth but comes from somewhere in our solar system which is then transported to our planet. This idea is not only nonsense; most primitive bacteria like archaea are able to survive in an extreme environment and there is a possibility he will survive when they have to wade outer space.
In 1996, NASA reported a weak evidence that life has formed 4-5 billion years from metorite on Mars.
If evidence is true, then scientists should seriously consider the possibility that life on earth came from Mars. Mars has less gravity than Earth, making the rocks will more easily thrown into space, than fall back to the ground. Furthermore, because the earth has a strong gravity, causing the possibility of the earth to catch meteors than on Mars. We all may have come from Mars.
Of course, everything is still a possibility, and perhaps still is the possibility of life seemed to be formed just like that on Earth and on Mars. Especially when the comet that is rich in organic matter hit the planet 4 billion years ago.
Resolution of these questions will come from:
1. Chemical experiments on an ongoing basis against the carrier molecule-life,
2. Planning for exploration to Mars to study the fossils that were there,
3. And continue the search for regular sources, radio signals from outer space life. The findings confirmed that the signal will have a life somewhere along the line and explain that life will just show up unexpectedly

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Earth Will Have Two Sun

Over the past one to two weeks' time the Earth will have two sun because the supernova phenomenon. Reported by the Daily Mail on Saturday (01/22/2011).

Supernova phenomenon that will occur when one of the brightest stars in the sky, Betelgeuse, exploded. age of Betelgeuse, which is part of the constellation Orion (640 years from earth), will soon be over. Pointed out, the red giant star that will explode, within this year.

The researchers have not dared to make sure exactly when Betelgeuse explodes. And when that happens the events mentioned will be a 'light show' most spectacular earth was formed. The effects of very bright light from a supernova, the earth seems to have two of the sun, where the night sky will be bright as day.

Brad Carter is a senior physics lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia claim may be new Betelgeuse will explode in coming years or even before the year 2011.

source : www.beritaterkinionline.com

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Deep Sea Creatures Residents Association

Top of Mount Everest, at an altitude of 8,848 meters is the highest point on the planet Earth. Then, where is the lowest point on the surface of the earth?

With depths reaching 11 030 feet below sea level, the Mariana Trench is the lowest region on Earth's surface. The trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, around the south east of Indonesia or Japan.

Because of it, the water pressure at the bottom of the trough it reached 8 tons per square inch. That is, there are loads weighing 8 tons is accommodated by a space area of 1 square inch.

As an illustration, at sea level, air pressure that surrounds our body is 15 pounds or 0.0075 tons per square inch. Man without respiratory assistance equipment will not be able to survive the pressure of 355 pounds or 0.1775 tons per square inch. Moreover, 8 tons.

Then, is there life in the depths of the sea like that? Turns out there, and extraordinarily beautiful. Here's a photo: Misteri Hewan Laut Dalam.

For example, paraliparis COPEI COPEI. He lived at a depth of 200 - 1692 meters. The size is 17cm. Other animals, such as Glowing Sucker Octopus (Stauroteuthis Syrtensis) live at depths of 2500 meters. Its size can reach 50cm.

Dumbo Octopus (Grimpoheuthis), can live at depths of 300-5000 meters. The size of the animal until it reached 150 cm. There is also Hirondellea gigas which can live at depths of 10,900 m, and much more. (Frozenly.com, Edliadi)
Source :


Build in Self Motivation

The ideals or purpose in life can only be achieved if you have a strong motivation within you. Without any motivation, it's hard once you achieve what you aspire. But it can not be denied, indeed, quite difficult to build motivation within yourself. In fact, you probably do not know exactly how to build motivation within yourself. In fact, actually many things you can do to motivate them. How ...? try to consider the following tips:

Create Sensation
Create something that can "awaken" and excite you in the morning before. For example, the next day you think should get the profit of 1 billion rupiah. Although it sounds impossible, but this sensation sometimes your spirit to work better than what you have done yesterday.

Continue to Develop Your Goals
Do not ever fixated on one simple goal. The purpose of life is too simple to make you have no more strength. In fact, in order to achieve something you need a greater challenge to exert your true strength. The purpose of life that will generate its own motivation and strength in your life.

The Death Set
You need to think about the time of death in that direction even though the symptoms are unpredictable. Imagining the last moments of life truly is a moment of very sensational. You can imagine the 'flash back' in your life. Since you through childhood, adolescence, to appear as being mature and independent. If you imagine the 'death' you're close, it will motivate you to do more during your life.

Leave's Unnecessary
Feel free to leave your friends can not encourage you achieve your goals. Therefore, whoever your friend, should be able to bring you the change for the better. Please know, hang out with people who are optimistic will make you think too optimistic. With them, life is much more fun and full of motivation.

Toward Shadow Fear
When you're overshadowed anxiety and fear, do not run away from these shadows. For example, during the time you are afraid of facing a bad future. Come and enjoy your fear by trying to overcome them. When you successfully overcome fear, then you have succeeded in increasing self-confidence that you are able to achieve a better life.
Say "Welcome" on Any Problems
Road to reach the destination is not always as smooth as toll roads. At some point, you will face a steep road, uphill, and full of rocks. Do not rotate the direction to take shortcuts. Face continue this path and think the best way to get through. If you look at the matter as something terrible, you will be more difficult to be motivated. Conversely, when you are ready to face any problem, then you seemed to have excess energy and spirit to achieve your goals.

Start with Good Taste
Do not ever feel overwhelmed with your life purpose. Try to enjoy life and the path you travel. If you've felt since the beginning of 'hate', then it seems, life will never be the motivation you have.
Practicing with Hardware
No can not, you have to practice and hold if you want to get the best results. Basically, there's nothing you can not achieve if you keep trying hard. The more vigorous practice, the easier it is to overcome every

Conclusions: The motivation is 'something' that can grow your spirit in order to achieve the goal. With strong motivation within yourself, you will have a high appreciation and respect towards self and life. So you also have no doubt stepped achieve the objectives and ideals of your life ..!

Source : Obor Motivasi

The founder of UFO-IC: UFO Is Not Trust, I See With My Own Eyes

Jakarta-Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) is not a matter of trust. Because trust is about things that have never seen, like faith in religion. But I never saw the UFO.

As stated by Michael Gumelar, chairman and founder of the UFO Community Indonesia (Indonesian Community UFO / UFO-IC), while talking to AFP on Tuesday (25/01/2011).

"Less is more 3 times I have seen a UFO," said Michael who is also a lecturer at Multimedia University this archipelago.

Michael told, the first time he saw a UFO in the sky is the 1989 Surabaya. At that time he was passing at a university with riding a motorcycle.

"Because it was impossible to ride my bike look up, but somehow when it suddenly occurred to me want to look up, and I saw a light blue," the story of Michael.

Michael continued, after a few seconds, the light suddenly disappeared and caused such a wave in the sky. "The wave is like throwing a stone in calm water. Like the entrance to another dimension," he said.

Second sight, says Michael, he is seen with his wife and children at his residence in Sawangan sky, Depok. At that time, he said, there is a beam of red light that moved quickly and suddenly disappeared.

"If it would slow the plane, this fast," Michael said, adding neighbors also witnessed.

Asked how he could be sure that it was a UFO, Michael says, that the UFO as 'unidentified flying objects' should be removed from the question of whether or not there are aliens in it.

"That's another issue, obviously there are flying objects that enter another planet," said master of arts graduated from a university in Scotland this.

Some saw the UFO experience, too, who eventually led Michael to make the UFO Indonesian Community. He said the community now numbered 69 people, including the researchers, carrying out its activities not just for fun. But also develop research related to UFOs.

"UFO-IC is a community that focuses on research about how to make a UFO with the earth human technology," said site manager http://ufo-ic.blogspot.com this.

At present, says Michael, his side had done small-scale research by creating a floating object by using a magnetic field. Although only small studies, he hopes his research could be a leap to the development of science next.

"Who knows 20 or 50 years later again become a reality. Galileo Galilei the first time just laughed at the image plane, but in fact now?" said Michael.

source : Laurencius Simanjuntak - detikNews

Fed Douglas Born as a slave

Fred Douglas actually started life with nothing. Even he did not
has himself when still in his mother's womb. As a child bondsman, he had pledged as collateral to pay off the debt employer parents. He seldom saw her except at night where his mother had walk as far as eight miles only to see his son during one hours.

He does not have the opportunity to learn, because in those days, slaves
purchases are not allowed to learn to write and read. However, without
known to anyone, he learned to read and write. In a short time, he
been made ashamed of his friends who were white in a lesson.

At the age of 21 years, he escaped from slavery and worked as a messenger in New York and New Bedford. On Nantucket, he made a speech, urged the abolition of slavery. It evokes such a good impression so he was appointed agent at Massachusetts Institute of Anti-Slavery.
As he moved from one place to another to giving lectures, he keeps on learning. He was later sent to Europe to speech and make friends with some English people who then give him 750 dollars to redeem his freedom as a slave. He published newspapers in Rochester and later led the New Era in Washington. For years he became head of District of Columbia and can emulate any white person anywhere.
Does your situation is worse than Fred Douglas at the time of birth? (Adapted from Orion Sweet Marden)

Source: Obor Motivasi

Motivate Your Self !

Feel valued, feel a part from something, feel that you made a valuable contribution to something important is a common theme.

Your success depends on how strong your motivation level. Not the discipline that moves mountains or lift a car to help children who are trapped. Not the discipline that makes you lose weight to 10 pounds, quit smoking, running. That is the motivation. The man who fell ill from the deadly disease is usually self-motivated phenomenal. Do it and you can have as much motivation as you want, and then defend it. Then your life will be much easier.

Anthony Robbin theory of motivation is centered on how we use pain and pleasure: the secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure, rather than letting the pain and pleasure use you. If you do, you will control your life. If not, will control your life. It means a lot. If you ever do a job you hate, or have bad relationships, and finally decided to act and do something related to it then it's probably because you touch the pain that you can not stand it any longer. We all have the time - this time in our lives when we declare, enough already, this should be changed, now. People who become thin with success often say they are a means of determining when they see their vacation photos and shocked by the scene so that the courage they appeared like magic. Their time has come. This is the time when the pain we are encouraging us to change our lives. Vital to know what makes you sick and what makes you happy. You can clearly influenced by training the mind, body and emotions to link pain or pleasure in whatever you choose. In the case of smoking for example, you have to do is link it with the pain and pleasure of smoking to stop smoking. People who have successfully quit smoking for them to change the meaning. Hypnosis happens exactly like this. He is to condition the mind to attack the negative emotions and understanding of who you want to stop.

1. What's your sense of pain?

You can heighten your feelings and motivation by focusing on the effect is still effective in this situation. Ask yourself: "What are the consequences if I had not changed? what is seen and felt by me next year, five years later? I would lose the right if not change it? "Create the pain if the changes are not made so real that you can no longer postpone the change. If it is related to smoking, yourself confronted with a risk to health and your life expectancy by talking to someone who has undergone amputation of part of his body or heart surgery or lung cancer - lung as a result of smoking. See the face that looked older at the age of forty years. To avoid a similar fate you will reduce the attractiveness of cigarettes immediately. Recovery program acted as a reminder. Avoiding pain is a tremendous motivation.

2. What's Your Pleasure?

Focusing on what can make you happy, to what you want, is the motivation for the longer term. Once your weight down or you are recovering from respiratory twenty cigarettes a day, you need a different motivation. Your motivation may originally have been replaced with a desire for a toned body and formed, the stamina to go racing away, look young, feel more attractive, have more energy, anything that can give you inspiration. People who have a strong enough 'why' can produce almost any 'how'. Twenty percent change is knowing how, but eighty percent is knowing why. In other words, if there is desire, the way will be easy. If you collect a series of strong reasons to change, you can quickly change something that has failed to change for many - years. Ask this question to yourself: "If I was changed, how I feel about it? how well my life if I make a change today? "the key is to get a good reason to make your changes unbearable. You change because every network within you, every cell, every muscle wants it.

3. Have a vision

Get the motivation with incredible views of life before your eyes. Awaken your desire to change and progress that you want to do. Enjoy every detail, do it quietly. Divided into categories of different areas of your life. Financial, physical, social, career, family, travel, spiritual. Soon you will have the appearance of someone who traveled to any place. You've seen the future, and that's great. Get motivation. It is very important. Enthusiasm, optimism and vitality you will pull you into things you want most. Desire is power. Make it work for you.

4. Be assured that materialized

Get rid of the assessment. Choose to believe that it is possible manifest your desires. We're talking about here. You know that if you want something, whatever it is, with very, you'll get it. You have unlimited motivation to serve you. The motivation there waiting put to good use anytime.

5. Enjoy Your Life Now

Appreciate what you already have and strengthen your desire to attract and create success. The secret of personal success is to become your true self and wanting more and appreciate everything while it makes you have it all.

Relax. You have a desire to success . You're on your way.

Source: The 10 minute life coach

10 Qualities Preferred Personal

Sincerity is ranked first as the nature of the most liked by everyone. Sincerity makes others feel safe and appreciated for sure not be fooled or deceived. People who are sincere are always telling the truth, do not like making it up, pretend, make excuses or distort facts. The principle is "Yes on Yes and No on No". It would be more ideal if the sincerity is as soft as dove was offset by the ingenuity of a serpent. That way, the sincerity of innocence that can not be self-defeating.  

In contrast to the low self-esteem which is a weakness, it expressed concern strength. Only the strong soul who can be humble. He was like growing rice contains more down. People who are humble can recognize and appreciate the excellence of others. He can make people feel okay on it and make people underneath do not feel inferior.  

Loyalty is a rare commodity and very high price. People who are loyal always to be trusted and relied upon. He always keep their promises, has a strong commitment, self-sacrificing and not like treason.  

Positive Thinking  
People with positive attitude (positive thinking) always try to see things from a positive lens, even in a bad situation though. He prefers to talk about goodness than badness of other people, prefer to talk about hope rather than despair, preferring to look for solutions rather than frustrated, rather praise than criticize, and so forth.  

Because not everyone is blessed with cheerful temperament, so the fun does not have to mean facial expressions and body but the heart attitude. People who cheer are people who can enjoy life, do not like to complain and are always trying to achieve happiness. He can laugh at the situation, others, also himself. He has the potential to entertain and encourage others.  

The responsible person shall implement their obligations seriously. If you make a mistake, he dared to admit. When a failure, he will not seek scapegoats to blame. Even if he felt disappointed and hurt, he would not blame anyone. He realizes that he alone is responsible for any experienced and felt.  

Self-esteem enables one to receive him as such, appreciate him and appreciate others. People who believe themselves easily adapt to new environments and situations. He knows what to do and do it well. 

Greatness of the Soul 
Greatness of soul can be seen from a person's ability to forgive others. People with big hearts do not let themselves dominated by hatred and hostility. When facing difficult times he remained strong, not letting himself get lost in grief and despair.  

Easy Going  
People who think life is easy going light. He does not like to exaggerate minor problems. Even tried to play down big problems. He does not like to bring up the past and did not want to worry about the future. He does not want a headache and stress with the problems that are beyond its control.  

Empathy is a trait that is admirable. People who empathize not only a good listener but also can put yourself in someone else's. When there is conflict he is always looking for the best solution for both parties, do not like to impose an opinion and his own. He always tried to comprehend and understand other people. 

This article quoted from the Smart Card production Visi Victory Bandung
Source : Obor Motivasi

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Are We Realize Digdaya as Netizens the World ?

We've heard that 'big nation is the respect for their heroes is true, but in the cyber world nation we need to also have a belief that big nation is conscious of his greatness'.

We do know that Blackberry, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google is the big name on the Internet but we need more to know again that these sites give attention to our society because they clearly benefited from Indonesia and the user can make their businesses prosper. So if our society did churn out (move) to another service that would be a shake up their business.

Unfortunately our nation's peoples-though having such power, have access to all information through search engines and so on, many never realize the greatness of our nation and do not find out that so much of our nation in cyberspace.

And if this is asked of every individual may be the most commonly spoken is a tone that is less inclined to blame their government of giving facilities, the rules are rigid. Rarely are they of introspection to see ourselves as a user.

Imagine with such a large user community is we should be king and be pampered. In terms of our numbers are still below China but rather with the independence of China, both in the world of ICT and virtual worlds so the people they are no longer 'beautiful object' for international service providers. Great attention is on countries like Indonesia and India (which is great in the population but yet strong and independent as a nation).

RIM Makes Our Markets As Their Mainstay
Examples of easy on the Blackberry case which if not followed the applicable provisions will be blocked by the government (censorship of pornography and removing the server to Indonesia), so strange in fact many (though not all) of our society who are concerned about the victim (can not surf) and then immediately swore and later blame the government if RIM does not care about the government's request.

And obviously the government request is reasonable and is the implementation of laws made by Parliament (which is actually a representative of the people, including people of cyberspace.)

Well instead of gossiping government let's get back to discuss the Blackberry. Remember that the benchmark of business success gadgets and the internet rather than in terms of race features but how many of these products and services in demand of a society. Because the features are the 'sugar' to lure the community ('ants are like sugar').

Similarly, in the Blackberry case. Did you know that RIM makes our market as their pledge to exist (and the 'look' powerless) against the iPhone from Apple. We know that the iPhone is head-to-head competitor of his Blackberry. In America alone population let BlackBerry users still less than the iPhone.

One proof of this that I found from the site where our society is so Blackberryrocks.com discussion there:
For those of you wondering how BlackBerry is doing in the handset race against the iPhone, here are some statistics to wrap your head around:

It’s not all about the iPhone, at least within one of the world’s fastest growing mobile consumer markets, Indonesia. Today, InMobi, the largest mobile ad network in Asia, Africa and Indonesia, released data showing that RIM’s Blackberry device may be leading the handset race in Indonesia. From January 2009 to June 2009, mobile ad requests on Blackberry phones increased by 842%, compared to mobile ad requests on Indonesia iPhones, which increased only by 205%*.

You’re probably saying to yourself “Why does it matter how BlackBerry is doing in Indonesia?”. In case you don’t already know, Indonesia’s mobile market is pretty big.

Indonesia is predicted to be the third largest mobile market after China and India by 2010 according to the ROA Group. Already, mobile users in Indonesia far outnumber active Internet users by 5 to 1, and the country boasts a 56.8% mobile penetration rate verses a 10.4% according to Internet World Stats.

Discussion took place around 2009 and in 2011 they would pay more attention to the market in Indonesia. In addition, although the average GDP is low but growing number of our BB users skyrocketed.

So why do we have to worry RIM ignored? Just relax because it would (with the facts above) it will seek full RIM to comply with government regulations we are, it's all in the service, pet and pamper million BB users in Indonesia, if you do not care (which means it was not able to) then RIM will loss of face to Apple.

As mentioned in Asia Devcon Blackberry 2011, RIM certainly will commit to follow government regulations. So let just ask RIM to request the government, if all BB users can come together and asked RIM to do a special service for the community we can be sure 99% of RIM will obey it. As for that 1% is when the Telematics however they will demand is not met (yes RIM just told to learn more and expand their Research & Development).
We Must Aware of Our Digdaya

Another example try your search google.co.my (Malaysia) or google.co.sg (Singapore), google.co.ph (Philippines) do not exist right? But google.co.id (Indonesia), google.co.in (India), and google.co.jp (Japan) exists. It's easy to show proof of Google also gives attention to the Indonesian market, so it is easier and cheaper for Google to provide service here because we know so many people who use Google services.

On Facebook we are the netizens of the world's second largest (by number of approximately more than 30 million people). That means about 60% of Indonesian Internet users have a Facebook account management which must have been up to give close attention to our market. If on Twitter does not need to be discussed again, we know that very often we become Trending Topic is clear that our society too often dominate Twitter.

We should realize we as netizens to international digdaya not only as citizens but have a little cyber-mass (mass of the virtual world). We should not just be a regular user but can be united and compact to make the various trends or even able to drive service provider (of foreigners though), to provide services in accordance with the wishes of the people, culture or even the mere nature of our society makes it easy quirks.

Indeed this matter is still united to bother, because we do not yet exist in the virtual world figure who could be a unifier. And that's because in the real world itself though Mr. SBY desirable role model figure of 60% of voters but the political world and our parties in the case of apparent unity fall apart (mess) because all want to win themselves do not give priority to unity.

Now the question is why do we always feel as a nation of small and helpless? Sorry but I think maybe to blame is precisely the Education Ministry.
Time for Conscious For The Great Nation

Not just looking for scapegoats but because that is taught (read: planted) of SD is that so long history of our nation is weak, stupid, helpless and in turn colonized by other nations for hundreds of years. From year to year time to time, until now That and that alone is taught.

For what precisely childhood anak2 implanted to us thinking that we are stupid and weak nation like that? Does the Department of Education does not realize that it was carried into adulthood so that these people feel stupid someday will continue to feel stupid and look as if only the government and a smart politician and eventually colonized people of our own nation (or was it? Naudzubillah).

How many primary school students, junior high school who knows the nation's children often become national heroes have won various scientific Olympiad, Mathematics, Physics and so forth. It should have been invested so that our students are aware we are able to bring into the world champions and make their racing into the next world champion.

Even on a blog we've become gossip Malaysian people over there who realize that while teasing their communities and nation as Indo migrant workers, but in fact people often win the Olympic Scientific Indonesia while Malaysia did not.

Perhaps many other countries that we looked like that. Why to have a foreign nation who see the ingenuity of our nation and our own little or no notice.

Indeed the basic delivery of history that we colonized it is for us to realize the importance of unity in order not colonized, but which is more important than the realization that although we are not a developed nation, but many are individually capable and clear our great nation. Well at least our 'great people' because the population of 242 million is a number that many are not?

Now the real choice lies with us to rise into the conscious nation proud as the netizens of the world and start doing something. If not then any of us still only be a follower and any recipient of the world given to us and then they took everything from us including self-esteem as a great nation.

Source : Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat - detikinet

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

What is Lahar ?

Lahar (cold): from Bhs Java, but has become an international term and is widely known among scholars of international volkanologi, is the flow of water (rainwater, snow melt) that mixed debris tefra (volcanic material-red) which still unravel, comes from the top of the volcanic body flows with high velocity and density so that they can

hit and brought along rocks to 2 meters in diameter. The temperature of lava is the same as the surrounding temperature, sediment is a breccia with fragments of lava that are sub rounded.

Hot lava: the same as lava (cold) temperatures just above ambient temperature. ONLY hot lava can be produced by a volcanic crater which has as G. LAKE Kelud, while the volcanic crater lakes have not impossible to produce hot lava. Temperature will not reach 100 C, a temperature increase is a result of crater lake water is heated by the magma before eruption, during eruption (no explosion). hot water that has overflowed this will mix with tefra (hereinafter as the process of cold lava), and forming lava deposits. Hot lava will not burn plants or living things such as the hot clouds !!!!, because the temperature is "only" under 100C.


Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Do It !

People often ask the most important tips to success. Here he is. Do it more, plain and simple. Your actions define you. Success went to people who are ready to take action. The desire to act far more important than talent. Talent is never enough. Those who dare will be in front and therefore everything over to them. Not everything went exactly as planned but they have always been able to pass through. They can not be detained, they never gave up, one minute. They were really happy got up and ran again. By doing more, n you get more, you have more. Whatever you want. The secret is no secret.
Do not wait until you become perfect or feel right sure, there's nothing like making things happen by making you feel invincible. You can sit at home writing strengthening themselves for many years, some people do and not much will change. You have to get out, take over the world, doing business, keep busy, make it all happen, take chances, make mistakes act. Nothing is perfect. Life is to master, roll up your sleeves, and engage in it. Studying the anchovy is very good, but can not replace the real thing.
Talking will make you very advanced, but the actions that are meaningful. People often have a habit of talking and that is all they can. You can talk about everything on yourself. Never sat around the dinner table and talk about what you really want to do. Talk to yourself. Get qualified support. If necessary, then do it. Forward your actions. Too much talk relieve your resolve, to act first. Speaking later. Not good when you are seen as the big people talk. Do what you say. Show quality of your self. Do not discuss it.
In recent years, Russell Crowe is the most sought actor in Hollywood. Oscar-winning star of LA Confidential, Gladiators, A Beautiful Mind, that's him. He said that he had harbored a desire to act in him since around the age of nine years. He did not say it to anyone. However, he did act, he just did the right thing, show, practice, take part, learn, the better. He felt that talking about it, discussing his ambitions, just throw away - waste of energy which will attenuate and reduce the focus and encouragement. Ambition is more crucial and valuable for the mere discussion. The right attitude. Correct action. This is an unbeatable combination. You will not fail to achieve success.
Knowing when to take action and when not to an art form. Of course there are times to push fore and there are times to hold back, you bargain the time, waiting for people or things that come your way. This does not mean inaction. This is a management action. You have to move, you've sowed the seed, and now you have to be patient. Wait until your efforts bear fruit, grow and produce. Trust your instincts. Ask yourself if there is another Haal that can be done in order to continue walking. If it does not exist, step back. Decide how long you are prepared to wait. Sometimes you do that do not bear fruit for many years. Then success as coming in a flash, but you know this is the result of your actions years earlier. Things - other things have a shorter time to results and completion. Pause, and time passed, the opportunity came and went. Which do you achieve? it is your decision. The better your rating.
The worst place to do that is right on the edge, stop acting, stays behind in taking action, retreating. You have tried hard turn on your motivation. You feel comfortable. All are in position.But, you put it off. This happened to the best of us. The only solution is to do it. Do you know what to do. Just do it. Perform. The alternative is more talk and excuses. Fixed stop making depression. Best cure for depression is a daily activity.
If the action does not bring results, step back. If you continue to do the same way. You'll get the same result. Question your methods. Is there another way, the better, in achieving your goals? fixated on how to avoid. Your final destination is the point. Set, change direction, get rid of your defeat. Acknowledge what is not working and why. Do not be afraid to admit that you are wrong. Stay on top. The action will help you when that action is right: planned, with a focus in the right direction, and get results.

1. Be Actors
What have you done for yourself ? think of something you want to change. Develop and accomplish in your life. Ask a question: "What have I done about this? whether your actions suggest real commitment? do you really serious about it ? how big you want it? what have you prepared to demonstrate your commitment? if you are one of the most dynamic, fearless across the country, what actions would you do?

2. Get the results
Are you effective? being busy is not enough. Time is precious. Are your actions are not excessive, directed? be honest with yourself. Do not be too busy to stop and ask if you are heading towards the right? Whether you're a perfectionist? do not let it stop you. Prioritize on price in the can of extra effort. Experiment with a little effort. Some things are profitable with a lighter touch. That's more fresh.

3. Take advantage of Uncertainty
Do not delay your move until you really - really sure. That may never happen.

4. Decisive
Choose quickly, the less you suffer, the more you decide, the better you get. Practice free to decide. Do not think wrong / right. Think of the consequences. All decisions have consequences. Disconnect only. Fast. Do not ever say to yourself that you give up in making decisions. On the contrary. Act.

5. Do More
The best way to get more is to do more. It may be more quickly handle the reality that is on the doorstep, which is taking action. If we do, miracles often happen, the universe and see you in the middle of the road.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can do, start doing. Courage contains genius, magic and power, start now. "Goethe.

Source: Fiona Harrold, The 10 minute life coach

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Think Big

Greatness is a way of seeing the world. Greatness is the refusal to let something or someone to reduce your size. People often shrink because of experience and age. They lose their freshness. They become dull, listless, getting weaker. They have a pessimistic outlook on life and other people. They opinied about everything. This is not true big people. Great man keep it fresh. He radiates from their faces. This is due to their more spirit than - average people. They are more besemangat of the people - the weak. They are attractive and charming at any age. This is because they resist the pull of hatred. They againt sunk in apathy, resignation or hatred, how charming all that. They know it all is the way to be weak, narrow and bad. True to the broad and open mind is important. On the basis of a victory for freedom of thought is what makes them so interesting. Those people who are not bound by community norms of a true original thinker. This makes them conspicuous among the people - those narrow.
People do not have to narrow a person who has a low position or title, or a little money or education. People are often narrow a good man, hardworking, good friends are perfect. What makes a person narrow is the way they view the world in terms that are very narrow. People do not see beyond narrow self life. He avoids changes, sticking to the existing way. Narrow People see things on the strength, comfort, or pleasure himself. For the narrow, comfort is paramount.
People are usually very rigid and narrow submissive in the way of thinking. They do not believe in themselves, or if you believe, they think only about themselves. They are not thinking of himself as being noticed and want to share, are strongly associated with larger world. They do not know how to meet their own needs so there is no sympathy more to consider the needs of others. Receive the needs, fears and anxieties you make you get bigger so you have energy left for the good of others. Most people are narrow and uneasy. They have little time for other people. They were too cunning and narrow to really - really cares about all the things beyond their own safety and comfort. Narrow people's lives may be no larger than your wants, needs and fears when ini.berapa time you hear talk of the cafe as friends - friends endlessly discussing their lives, their wealth, their hebungan, pereasan them, their weight, their job? You can see they are too obsessed with yourself. A large part of the merged big mendadi is developing generosity within you who support others with kindness and sympathy. Being kind and supportive and give love that makes you big and getting bigger.

Smaller scale challenges in daily life the day we still ask for contributions. And the world is far from perfect. By becoming big, you will always be aware of your surroundings ats exceeding life. So, if you show 'greatness' on the public stage or in a more personal, it is an expression of your spirit, about who you are. By choosing not to join the group of people who self-obsessed is already a statement that his own greatness. Being associated with someone else and live in full knowledge of the world beyond yourself makes you better than others.

But does that make someone weak, cowardly and obedient? why retreat, why persist, and pasif? why has the desire to persuade someone for the sake of a quiet life? sekap can narrow down, taught and supported by our parents and an influential figure when we were kids. 'Move yourself', do not block the road, do not say anything, atahu self-dong, and an undeniable tribute to the man - one who is influential is part of the answer. However, you can also shrink themselves with the decisions you make about yourself and life once you get some criticism and conquest. Some people began to feel that things are endless, that they lose hope and feel useless. Behwa regardless of whatever they do they will lose. Beliefs like this emptying your personal power and destroy your ability to act. In psychology, there desdruktif think the term for this pattern: learned helplessness. When people get pretty much a failure of a case and you will be surprised to find how little this has happened to some people, they feel that their do is nothing. They withdrew themselves and their world shrink to fit with the other.

Attitude-free requires vigilance. Because you are an independent thinker, free spirit, then maintain power and personal authority should not be underestimated. Personal power comes from daily life - day with integrity and flexibility. Personal power comes from knowledge seapa yourself and your place in the world. That means that we have standards and limits. That means we say no to others, if necessary. Personal power to stop you from feeling victimized.
1. Do not be narrow
Narrow is the mindset, not a place. People who thinking narrow limits and build a fence around their own. They are proud of themselves in making themselves only to themselves. Privacy and security are everything. Being otherwise it will interfere.
2. Being careful opponents
What do you want to say no? protest and developed. You get bigger every time you take action. Your personal power strengthened. You can do it like pushing shopping carts in the supermarket. Paying a few dollars more expensive for one-eighth gallon of organic milk is the way you say no to modern agriculture and so on duia towards justice better. Act local, think global. People only think of excess narrow a few pounds.
3. Be generous
Be a good listener. Put yourself in full on one side and 'get' the communication of others. Let them 'be heard'. Create relation from the heart. Acquainted with the people who brought you coffee, or sitting in the car next door. Melt the ice. Smile. You can appoint someone immediately. The most if talk is often not said anything. Go regularly and should never be involved in cafe conversation. You are far too large to do so.
4. Have vision
Spice up your life in a situation that helps you understand it, not live isolated. Get some great ideas about yourself. Make your life more meaningful with a great idea, dream. You are human rich. Ask this question: 'How can I serve? "" What can I give? "" How can I help? "You'll see your life is greater than just living it.
5. Large Equipment
Life tests us. Do not let anyone or anything ruin your moral qualities. Do not let disappointment or setback make you gloomy. Remove. Stay fresh. Stay open. Repel spirit narrow appeal.

Small is boring, shrink yourself, narrow. Great was brilliant, dynamic, charismatic, remarkable, strengthen lives, globally. You are a good in good company. The direction part of the best clubs in the world.

Source: The 10 minute life coach

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Stress With the Job ?

Many people in this world are so desperate and even willing to eliminate their future that is so attractive because they do not know though how and what to do, probably because he got a job that does not match the mood or social circumstances surrounding the less fit for him, until world that no longer seems to provide a space for life. And finally achieved the life you want to be lost some where.
Do not worry, the predicament is often haunt the day - the day we're working hard combining circuit - circuit for our happiness, just how we build the interpretation of the problems that came up to us, if we can pass, then the key to a better life will soon we hold and can we achieve our dreams, with hard work of course.
Think positive and keep on walking with a lesson - a lesson that we can during our trip. Listen to other people but do not entirely do that other people say. Believe in yourself. JUST DO IT!
"If you still have to work for one employer in a field that you do not like, such as experienced by almost everyone, do not complain. Think positively and live it your duty. Keep working hard to earn your wages. Enjoy relationships with people - people who come to you because of your work. And if you are still not happy, make a goal to separate the personal life and your job.
Fun - fun in your life, then you will be happier and enjoy your life, and ultimately your job as well. "(Richard Branson, 9 Principles of Success from Giant Company CEO Virgin Group)