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Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Motivate Your Self !

Feel valued, feel a part from something, feel that you made a valuable contribution to something important is a common theme.

Your success depends on how strong your motivation level. Not the discipline that moves mountains or lift a car to help children who are trapped. Not the discipline that makes you lose weight to 10 pounds, quit smoking, running. That is the motivation. The man who fell ill from the deadly disease is usually self-motivated phenomenal. Do it and you can have as much motivation as you want, and then defend it. Then your life will be much easier.

Anthony Robbin theory of motivation is centered on how we use pain and pleasure: the secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure, rather than letting the pain and pleasure use you. If you do, you will control your life. If not, will control your life. It means a lot. If you ever do a job you hate, or have bad relationships, and finally decided to act and do something related to it then it's probably because you touch the pain that you can not stand it any longer. We all have the time - this time in our lives when we declare, enough already, this should be changed, now. People who become thin with success often say they are a means of determining when they see their vacation photos and shocked by the scene so that the courage they appeared like magic. Their time has come. This is the time when the pain we are encouraging us to change our lives. Vital to know what makes you sick and what makes you happy. You can clearly influenced by training the mind, body and emotions to link pain or pleasure in whatever you choose. In the case of smoking for example, you have to do is link it with the pain and pleasure of smoking to stop smoking. People who have successfully quit smoking for them to change the meaning. Hypnosis happens exactly like this. He is to condition the mind to attack the negative emotions and understanding of who you want to stop.

1. What's your sense of pain?

You can heighten your feelings and motivation by focusing on the effect is still effective in this situation. Ask yourself: "What are the consequences if I had not changed? what is seen and felt by me next year, five years later? I would lose the right if not change it? "Create the pain if the changes are not made so real that you can no longer postpone the change. If it is related to smoking, yourself confronted with a risk to health and your life expectancy by talking to someone who has undergone amputation of part of his body or heart surgery or lung cancer - lung as a result of smoking. See the face that looked older at the age of forty years. To avoid a similar fate you will reduce the attractiveness of cigarettes immediately. Recovery program acted as a reminder. Avoiding pain is a tremendous motivation.

2. What's Your Pleasure?

Focusing on what can make you happy, to what you want, is the motivation for the longer term. Once your weight down or you are recovering from respiratory twenty cigarettes a day, you need a different motivation. Your motivation may originally have been replaced with a desire for a toned body and formed, the stamina to go racing away, look young, feel more attractive, have more energy, anything that can give you inspiration. People who have a strong enough 'why' can produce almost any 'how'. Twenty percent change is knowing how, but eighty percent is knowing why. In other words, if there is desire, the way will be easy. If you collect a series of strong reasons to change, you can quickly change something that has failed to change for many - years. Ask this question to yourself: "If I was changed, how I feel about it? how well my life if I make a change today? "the key is to get a good reason to make your changes unbearable. You change because every network within you, every cell, every muscle wants it.

3. Have a vision

Get the motivation with incredible views of life before your eyes. Awaken your desire to change and progress that you want to do. Enjoy every detail, do it quietly. Divided into categories of different areas of your life. Financial, physical, social, career, family, travel, spiritual. Soon you will have the appearance of someone who traveled to any place. You've seen the future, and that's great. Get motivation. It is very important. Enthusiasm, optimism and vitality you will pull you into things you want most. Desire is power. Make it work for you.

4. Be assured that materialized

Get rid of the assessment. Choose to believe that it is possible manifest your desires. We're talking about here. You know that if you want something, whatever it is, with very, you'll get it. You have unlimited motivation to serve you. The motivation there waiting put to good use anytime.

5. Enjoy Your Life Now

Appreciate what you already have and strengthen your desire to attract and create success. The secret of personal success is to become your true self and wanting more and appreciate everything while it makes you have it all.

Relax. You have a desire to success . You're on your way.

Source: The 10 minute life coach

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